Maka De Lameilleure graduated as a civil engineer (electrical engineering) from the Technical University Dresden (DE) and the Georgian Technical University (GE). She started her career at the Technical University of Berlin (DE) and worked on a PhD in the domain of synthetic stereoscopics at the Heinrich Hertz Institute (the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft) in Berlin (1990-1999). Within the framework of her PhD, Maka researched quality perception among consumers and the connection between technology, customer and user experience.
In 1998 Maka switched her academic career for a career in the design industry and started the Video & Audio Perception group within the R&D department of Philips High End TV in Bruges (BE), Knoxville (US) and Singapore.
In 2007 she co-founded and headed Flanders Inshape, a competence center focusing on product development and industrial design in Flanders. With her team and stakeholders, she built a research portfolio of over 50 (research) projects on methodologies in the domain of user centered innovation, experience design, service design, design thinking, innovation management, business transformation and business modelling.
Since the integration of Flanders Inshape in the Antwerp Management School in January 2016, Maka De Lameillieure is Head of R&D and Director of the expertise center Business Design & Innovation.